7 Ways Chiropractic Adjustments Alleviate Migraine Symptoms

Migraine is a burdensome disorder. According to the American Migraine Foundation, some 39 million Americans live with migraine. More could be undiagnosed because people often downplay migraine as just another headache. However, the truth is it’s a debilitating condition with symptoms that can significantly diminish quality of life.

Chiropractic adjustments alleviate migraine symptoms by correcting spinal misalignments that may contribute to migraine attacks. In this blog, we’ll explore seven ways chiropractic care makes your migraine better.


Common Symptoms of Migraines

Migraines are severe, throbbing headaches that typically affect one side of the head.woman with chiropractic adjustments alleviate migraine symptoms standing on a pink background

Before a migraine, you may experience warning signs such as neck stiffness and visual disturbances. Then, the attack occurs for several hours, usually lasting up to 72 hours without treatment. 

Besides the throbbing head pain, symptoms may include 

A migraine attack may leave you feeling drained and disoriented. For some people, the condition is chronic, impacting their daily lives.

A number of things can trigger migraines, including stress, muscle strain, food and drinks, lack of sleep, and hormonal changes, particularly in women. But a hidden cause may lie in the spine.

Misalignments in the spine, also known as subluxations, can interfere with nerve communication and create muscle tension, which is a common migraine trigger. Correcting these spinal misalignments can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.


How Chiropractic Adjustments Alleviate Migraine Symptoms

Chiropractic care for migraine management offers a holistic solution. Not only does it relieve the pain associated with the condition, but it also addresses its underlying spine-related cause. It’s also a drug-free treatment option. You won’t experience side effects or dependency, which is a common risk of taking migraine painkillers.

Chiropractic adjustments alleviate migraine symptoms in these seven ways.

1. Reducing Muscle Tension and Tightness

chiropractic neck massage for headache and migraine for chiropractic adjustments alleviate migraine symptoms

Chiropractic targets spinal misalignments that make the muscles tense and tight. Restoring proper alignment to the spine releases this tension in the muscles and surrounding tissues, providing migraine relief.

2. Improving Blood Flow to the Brain

Chiropractic adjustments promote optimal blood flow to the brain. Improved blood circulation ensures that the brain receives an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, reducing the intensity and duration of migraine attacks.

3. Restoring Nervous System Function

Correcting spinal misalignments reduces nerve interference. By improving the communication between the brain and the rest of the body, chiropractic care helps alleviate migraine symptoms and prevent future attacks.

4. Balancing Hormones

Chronic stress leads to hormonal irregularities, which then lead to migraines. Addressing this aspect of health through chiropractic adjustments can provide additional migraine relief.

5. Enhancing Immune Function

Chiropractic adjustments for migraine also support overall immune function by reducing inflammation. A strong immune system can reduce the frequency and severity of migraine, as well as boost resilience against various migraine triggers.

6. Addressing Trigger Points

Chiropractors may target trigger points—areas with increased muscle sensitivity or tightness—during adjustments. By releasing trigger points and restoring proper muscle function, chiropractic care helps reduce pain and discomfort associated with migraine attacks.

7. Promoting Overall Wellness and Stress Reduction

Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to wellness. By promoting relaxation and overall well-being, chiropractic adjustments help prevent migraine triggers and support long-term migraine management.


Heal Migraine with Chiropractic Care in Fort Wayne and New Haven

Chiropractic adjustments alleviate migraine symptoms, addressing underlying causes while offering pain relief. They are noninvasive and provide a host of benefits, from releasing muscle tension to restoring nervous and immune system functions and supporting overall wellness. 

North East Chiropractic Center is the place to go if you're looking for high-quality chiropractic services in Fort Wayne and New Haven. Dr. Adam Osenga and our expert chiropractors for migraine provide individualized treatment regimens and are proficient in a variety of techniques. We can effectively treat patients living with migraine thanks to our state-of-the-art facilities.

Book a consultation today for long-term migraine relief!

Common Posture Problems and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Poor posture is a modern-day epidemic. One of the biggest contributors to common posture problems is the excessive use of electronic devices. For instance, people tend to look down when using their phones. Research has shown that this puts so much stress on the neck and the back, more so when using a phone while walking than when sitting or standing.

Posture issues are not a laughing matter. Not only do they create physical discomfort and pain, but they also have an impact on mental health: people who slouch often have increased feelings of depression and unhappiness. 

The good news is that you can correct bad posture. This blog post will examine the types of posture problems and how chiropractic care for posture correction relieves discomfort.


Understanding Common Posture Problems

Forward Head Posture

young woman with bad posture experiencing back ache with common posture problems

Forward head posture is a common issue caused by the constant use of mobile devices; doing close-range detail work, such as sewing or repairs; and frequently carrying weight in front of your body. The head’s protruding forward from the shoulders can cause neck pain, headaches, and decreased mobility in the upper spine.


Rounded Shoulders

Some call this slouching. Being in this slumped position for an extended period establishes it as a postural habit. That’s when you start rounding or rolling your shoulders forward. It can lead to chronic pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.


Kyphosis (Hunchback)

Kyphosis is the excessive outward curving of the thoracic spine, which is in the rib region, resulting in a hunchback appearance. Postural kyphosis is the most common type of kyphosis. It usually begins when you’re young and still in school, carrying heavy backpacks or sitting in class for long periods.

Kyphosis mainly causes back and shoulder pain and tight hamstrings. Early intervention is crucial. When it becomes severe, it can restrict your lung capacity, resulting in difficulty breathing.


Lordosis (Swayback)

An excessive forward curving in the spine in your neck (cervical spine) and your lower back (lumbar spine) characterizes lordosis. It causes you to push your hips forward and stick your buttocks out. Usually, this condition has no other symptoms besides the arched or swayed lower back. However, when the curve is more severe, pain can develop, making movement difficult.



Scoliosis is the sideward curving of the spine so that it looks like the letter C or S. This condition is abnormal because the spine naturally only has slight forward and backward curves. Most cases are mild, but severe ones cause back pain, weakness in the core and the legs, and difficulty standing upright.


How Chiropractic Care Addresses Posture Problems

Chiropractic care can correct common posture problems. It is non-invasive and holistic, meaning that it heals the body as a whole rather than just eliminating the pain and discomfort.

Chiropractors follow a series of steps to treat your posture problem.

Initial Assessment

chiropractor examining patients back to correct posture for the common posture problems

An initial consultation is the first step. The chiropractor will inquire about your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, and goals for the treatment.

Chiropractors conduct a thorough assessment to identify the underlying causes of your posture problems and the chiropractic techniques that can address them. It includes visual observation, posture analysis, and diagnostic tests and imaging to tailor treatment plans accordingly.


Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors restore proper alignment of the spine through spinal adjustments. They may manipulate the spine manually or with the assistance of instruments. 

Manual adjustments involve using the hands to apply a controlled force to the vertebrae of the spine. Instrument-assisted adjustments, on the other hand, involve the use of specialized chiropractic instruments. A common instrument-assisted technique is the Activator Method, which uses a handheld spring to deliver a gentle impulse to the spine.


Muscle Strengthening and Stretching Exercises

Common exercises prescribed by chiropractors to correct your posture and strengthen supportive muscles are neck stretches and core strengthening exercises. These exercises gradually relax and lengthen the ligaments and tendons, improving your posture by enhancing muscle strength and flexibility.


Ergonomic Recommendations

Chiropractors provide guidance on ergonomic principles and proper body mechanics to prevent posture-related issues in daily activities such as sitting, standing, lifting, and using electronic devices. They may recommend ergonomic modifications to your workstation, chairs, pillows, and footwear to support healthy posture and reduce strain on the spine.


Lifestyle Modifications

Developing and maintaining good habits optimize your spine health. A chiropractor may suggest the following lifestyle changes:


Correct Posture Problems with Chiropractic Care in Fort Wayne and New Haven

Common posture problems lead to a range of musculoskeletal issues over time. Fortunately, chiropractic care offers an effective treatment option. Through spinal adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, and ergonomic and lifestyle recommendations, chiropractors can help patients improve posture, alleviate pain, and maintain spine health.

If you want to seek professional chiropractic care in Fort Wayne and New Haven, choose North East Chiropractic Center. Our experienced chiropractors, led by Dr. Adam Osenga, are skilled in various techniques and offer personalized treatment plans. We have state-of-the-art facilities to provide effective care for patients with posture-related issues. Book a consultation today for better posture and spine health!

Insured and Covered Chiropractic Care: Benefits Fort Wayne Residents

Do you want reliable chiropractic care in Fort Wayne, Indiana, without financial worries?

Insured and covered chiropractic care provides peace of mind. When you’re confident your treatments have financial protection, you can prioritize your well-being without hesitation.

Read on to learn more about the advantages of insurance-covered chiropractic therapy. Plus, discover why North East Chiropractic Center is the trusted provider of chiropractic care in Fort Wayne.


Understanding Insurance Coverage for Chiropractic Care 

Chiropractic Economics’ 2022 survey found that a visit to the chiropractor costs between $61 and $185, on average. Paying for it out of pocket is hefty. Fortunately, many health insurance plans cover chiropractic care, provided you’re getting it to treat an acute or short-term condition.

The coverage is typically only partial; thus, you must understand your insurance benefits and limitations. Refer to your plan to know:

Choose a chiropractic care provider who accepts your coverage to maximize your coverage.

At North East Chiropractic Center, we accept various health insurance plans. Note that we exclusively accept PPO insurance plans for chiropractic services. 

health insurance claim form handed to patient for insured and covered chiropractic care therapyOur accepted chiropractic insurances includes the following:


Benefits of Insurance-Covered Chiropractic Therapy

Increased Access to CarePatient and Chiropractor smiling after discussing the insured and covered chiropractic care

Chiropractic care insurance coverage empowers patients by increasing their access to vital healthcare services. Insurance benefits make chiropractic treatments more affordable and accessible as they cover a portion of the costs. This enhanced access to care gives patients more control over their healthcare choices. 

Insured chiropractic services for Fort Wayne residents also improve community health and well-being by allowing more people to access them.

Financial Relief and Reduced Out-of-Pocket Costs 

One significant advantage is how insurance coverage reduces the financial burden of chiropractic care. With out-of-pocket fees significantly reduced through deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance, patients can receive care with a sense of security. You can concentrate on your treatment and recovery rather than the cost of therapy.

Improved Quality of Life and Health Outcomes 

Ultimately, it enhances Fort Wayne citizens' quality of life. Chiropractic treatments offer a natural approach to treating various conditions, such as neuromusculoskeletal disorders. As a result, patients experience reduced pain and reliance on pain medications, improved mobility, and enhanced overall wellness.



Fort Wayne locals can benefit so much from insured and covered chiropractic care. It makes chiropractic treatments accessible and affordable, improving health outcomes and quality of life for many. 

North East Chiropractic Center provides expert chiropractic care in Fort Wayne. Choosing us means you get access to 

Take the first step toward optimal health. Book an appointment today!

Game Day Ready: Pre-Game Chiropractic Routines for Hoosier Basketball Teams

Team of highschool basketball players practicing before the game day | chiropractic routines for hoosier basketball teams


Basketball is a well-known sport worldwide, and Indiana is called the "Hoosier State" for a reason. In this state, basketball is the sport of choice, especially in high school communities with local teams and a crowd with bustling screams. And there is no better routine than chiropractic routines for Hoosier basketball teams.

Chiropractic care is crucial in ensuring the athletes' abilities are optimal and helps them prevent potential injuries while playing. Through Dr. Adam Osenga's expertise, North East Chiropractic Center stands as the premier choice for sports injury treatment that caters to the needs of high school basketball players.


Understanding the Pre-Game Chiropractic Routine

A pre-game chiropractic routine is essential for high school basketball teams aiming for optimal performance on the court. This comprehensive approach involves specialized chiropractic care tailored to the unique needs of young athletes. Enhancing flexibility, range of motion, nervous system function, and mental focus, the pre-game routine aims to prepare players physically and mentally for the challenges ahead. 

With personalized attention from skilled chiropractors, such as Dr. Adam Osenga, players can address specific areas of concern and ensure they are primed to perform best during the game.


Key Components of Pre-Game Chiropractic Careathlete getting chiropractic adjustment prior the game day | chiropractic routines for hoosier basketball teams

Spinal Adjustments

A lowkey but vital treatment in our chiropractic care is spinal adjustments. It is a game changer for players because we target misalignments in their spine, also known as subluxations. Ensuring that the spine of the players is in the correct position and nerve function is not compromised improves overall performance.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Our soft tissue therapy helps high-school basketball players by easing muscle tightness, breaking up knots, and reducing scar tissue that can make them more prone to injury. We use massage, myofascial release, and instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) to relax muscles, boost blood flow, and enhance muscle function. 

Dynamic Stretching and Mobility Exercises

Flexibility and mobility are indispensable for basketball players, enabling them to maneuver effortlessly on the court and respond swiftly to game dynamics. We employ dynamic stretching and mobility exercises in their pre-game routines. Dr. Osenga guides specific stretches and exercises essential for basketball players' unique needs. 


Benefits of Pre-Game Chiropractic Routines

Pre-game chiropractic routines for Hoosier basketball teams have tons of benefits. Here are some:

Enhanced Performancebasketball player shooting a short-ranged shot | chiropractic routines for hoosier basketball teams

By addressing biomechanical imbalances and optimizing nervous system function, pre-game chiropractic care enhances athletes' movement efficiency, agility, and coordination on the court. Players experience improved athletic performance, enabling them to execute plays precisely and confidently.

Injury Prevention

Pre-game chiropractic care reduces the risk of common basketball injuries such as sprains, strains, and muscle tears by addressing underlying issues and promoting optimal musculoskeletal health. By ensuring proper alignment, muscle balance, and joint function, chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy help prevent injuries before they occur, allowing players to stay in the game and perform at their best.

Mental Focus and Readiness

Beyond the physical benefits, pre-game chiropractic routines also contribute to athletes' mental focus, concentration, and readiness to compete. By promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing neural connectivity, chiropractic care helps players enter the game with a clear mind and a positive mindset, ready to tackle the challenges ahead.



Chiropractic routines for Hoosier basketball teams help ensure physical and mental readiness for game time, aiming for success and peak performance while minimizing the risk of injuries. Dr. Adam Osenga, who is dedicated to supporting Fort Wayne, Leo, and New Haven basketball teams, offers safe and holistic chiropractic care tailored to all ages, including young athletes. 

If you are a coach, parent, or player, consider including chiropractic routines for your pre-game preparations. Prioritize your health and well-being, and the win will come your way. Let us help you reach that success on the court and lay the foundation of your athletic journey with North East Chiropractic Center. Contact us today, and let us improve your life!