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UnitedHealthcare Health Insurance

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UnitedHealthcare Health Insurance Accepted

United HealthCare Insurance

Painful musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders do not respond well to over-the-counter or prescription medications. They only provide temporary pain relief for a few hours and do nothing to address the root cause of pain. In response to the dramatic increase in people finding long-term, musculoskeletal pain relief from chiropractors, UnitedHealthcare offers chiropractic insurance coverage to policyholders wanting to see a chiropractor instead of a primary care physician.

At North East Chiropractic Center in Fort Wayne, IN, you can be treated by a UnitedHealthcare chiropractor who provides joint and muscle pain relief with techniques such as:

  • Chiropractor doing some Spinal adjustment to the patient.Flexion-Distraction Therapy (spinal misalignment, herniated/bulging discs)
  • Diversified Technique (manual adjustment of the spine)
  • Webster Technique (prenatal chiropractic)
  • Activation Method (upper back, shoulder, and neck pain)
  • Massage Therapy (whole-body pain relief)
  • Spinal Decompression (back and joint pain)

To learn more about our chiropractic services and health insurance for chiropractic care, please call our center today at (260) 245-0460. We will be happy to address your payment concerns regarding your chiropractic treatment. 

UnitedHealthcare Chiropractic Insurance Coverage

UnitedHealthcare was one of the first insurance agencies to create a health maintenance organization (HMO) during the 1980s. Since then, it has developed into one of the most trusted and utilized health insurance companies operating in the U.S.

Chiropractor is doing some chiropractic treatment to the patient.For individuals on Medicare, treatment provided by a UnitedHealthcare chiropractor is covered by Medicare when certain coverage factors are met. For example, chiropractic techniques such as manual spinal adjustments and manual adjustments complemented with hand-held devices are covered by Medicare and UnitedHealthcare, depending on the patient's policy guidelines.

Chiropractor coverage offered by UnitedHealthcare typically requires policyholders to prove chiropractic care is medically necessary to treat their condition. For example, you must be suffering from at least one neuromusculoskeletal disorder (osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel, tendinitis, lumbar back pain, conditions related to spine issues, etc) that has received a professional diagnosis.

Insurance Coverage Limitations

UnitedHealthcare chiropractor coverage factors differ according to your employer and policy. They are a network provider--PPO and HMO--and include comprehensive benefits for PPO, HMO, and other plan types. However, you may have general restrictions or limitations regarding chiropractic coverage contained in your policy.

Patient filling up his health insurance information. Health insurance concept.Before scheduling an appointment, just call North East Chiropractic Center and ask one of our staff members to verify your health insurance for chiropractic care. We can quickly determine whether your specific insurance policy covers most, if not all, of the chiropractic treatments you will need to resolve your particular condition.

Insurance agents specializing in chiropractor coverage often use the terms active care and maintenance care when referring to this type of coverage. Active care is chiropractic treatment provided soon after a person suffers an injury, such as whiplash or back pain following a car accident. Maintenance care occurs after a person receives active care if active care techniques do not fully treat the condition.  There may be coverage limitations for either active care or maintenance care according to your UnitedHealthcare policy.

Choosing a Chiropractor with UnitedHealthcare Chiropractic Insurance Coverage

UnitedHealthcare is one of the most generous health insurance companies when it comes to helping policyholders pay for costs associated with chiropractic care provided by North East Chiropractic Center in Fort Wayne, IN. Our staff has expert knowledge and experience with determining the exact amount of your deductible so you won't be hit with any unexpected expenses. In addition, we can help you complete insurance forms correctly to avoid delays or rejections of submitted claims.

Your UnitedHealthcare chiropractic at North East Chiropractic Center is dedicated to optimizing your quality of life by relieving the pain, stiffness, and inflammation caused by musculoskeletal disorders and other health issues. Call (260) 245-0460 or (260) 205-8553 to speak to a friendly staff member about health insurance for chiropractic care and to schedule your next appointment.

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4332 Flagstaff Cove, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
608 Union Chapel Rd, Suite A, Fort Wayne, IN 46845

Monday        8:30am – 6:00pm
Tuesday        9:00am – 4:30pm
Wednesday  8:30am – 6:00pm
Thursday      8:30am – 6:00pm
Friday           9:00am – 4:00pm
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