(260) 306-9028
(260) 306-9028
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Chiropractic Care in North Fort Wayne

Same-day Appointments Available
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Welcome to North East Chiropractic Center!

We all know its important to take care of our health and wellness, and it will be our pleasure to assist you. We are North East Chiropractic Center, and we give you access to a chiropractors in North Fort Wayne. You deserve care from chiropractors who not only treat the symptoms on the surface but also addresses the root cause of your pain and discomfort. It would be our pleasure to help you with that. If you are looking for a chiropractor in North Fort Wayne, look no further than North East Chiropractic Center. Learn more about our services below.
equipment set up of a chiropractic centerchiropractors of North East Chiropractic Center posing on their lobby

Committed To Chiropractic Excellenceโ€‹

More and more people are discovering the advantages of chiropractic care in resolving a variety of maladies they may be experiencing. Many are finding that the back pain and neck pain theyโ€™ve been dealing with for years can be resolved through chiropractic care, nutritional counseling, and corrective exercises. Still, others who have problems ranging from Sciatica to Carpal Tunnel are turning to chiropractic care for relief and results.

Others are discovering that good health and pain management can be achieved without the use of potentially harmful drugs. They are discovering the advantages of the chiropractors at North East Chiropractic Care.
About Us

Areas We Serve



Allen County


And all of Fort Wayne (multiple locations!)

Our Services

North East Chiropractic Center uses a variety of advanced, cutting-edge techniques and services to provide relief for our patients. Techniques like The Activator, Flexion-Distraction, Gonstead, and the Webster Technique are just a few of the widely accepted chiropractic techniques used at North East Chiropractic Center. In addition, our services include chiropractic care and adjustment to help the entire family. We offer lifestyle advice including nutritional counseling to help patients live life to its fullest. Many of our patients appreciate our massage therapy services that reinvigorate the body and spirit.

If you are looking for a chiropractor near me, the team from North East Chiropractic Center would be happy to assist you. We offer chiropractic care, spinal decompression, massage therapy, and a variety of other services. We customize our treatment plans to meet your needs. Some of the services we offer include:

Chiropractic Care

If you are looking for chiropractic care near me, we can help you. At North East Chiropractic Center, our care team will take the time to get to know you personally. Then, a chiropractor will work with you to customize your treatment plan to meet your needs. Instead of rushing you out the door, we will take a complete history and perform a detailed physical exam. We understand that your needs are different from everyone else's, which is why we will review all the options with you before we recommend a treatment plan.

Chiropractic care comes in many shapes and forms. We use manual therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and numerous ancillary services to develop a comprehensive care plan to address your concerns. We will work with you every step of the way, adjusting your care plan if necessary.

Massage Therapy โ€‹

We also use massage therapy as a component of our treatment plan. If you are looking for massage therapy in Huntertown, in Leo-Cedarville, or in Allen county, we can assist you. Massage therapy can address inflammation, remove knots, and break up lactic acid in your body. Furthermore, massage therapy can be a beneficial stress reliever. If you are wondering if massage therapy is right for you, count on the team from North East Chiropractic Center to help you get the most out of this service.

Spinal Decompression

We also provide spinal decompression therapy in North Fort Wayne. There are some patients who may benefit from decompression of the vertebrae. If you are suffering from a herniated disc, a pinched nerve, or other compression issues, a chiropractor from our team can administer decompression therapy.

The goal of spinal decompression therapy is to increase the amount of space between the vertebrae. That way, we can alleviate pressure on your nerves, discs, and nerve roots, addressing a wide variety of concerns. Spinal decompression could be a part of your treatment plan.

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Conditions & Symptoms We Treat

Chiropractic care is a multi-modal treatment that addresses health issues at its core. Pain is a message that something is wrong. Rather than just mask that pain with drugs, the team at North East Chiropractic Center seeks to discover and treat the problem at its source. This includes exploring the complex relationship between nerves, muscles, and the spine. By realigning these systems, it allows the body to better heal itself. Many times patients feel relief after just a single treatment, although it is our goal to resolve your problem long term.

At North East Chiropractic Center, there are numerous conditions and symptoms that we treat. Some of the most common conditions we address include:
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The Best Chiropractic Care in North Fort Wayne

If you are looking for the best chiropractors in North Fort Wayne, you've come to the right place. We offer our services for the residents of towns Huntertown, Leo-Cedarville, & the county of Allen. At North East Chiropractic Center, we always put the needs of our patients ahead of our own, and it would be our honor to do the same for you. Our Huntertown chiropractors have same-day appointments available, and we offer free new patient consultations. We have more than 15 years of experience treating patients with minor to serious pain and discomfort. Contact us today to make an appointment with our Huntertown chiropractors at 260-205-8553.

What To Expect On Your First Visit

Your initial visit to North East Chiropractic Center will include a visit with Dr. Adam Osenga. Dr. Osenga will discuss your issues and answer any questions you may have about chiropractic care. He will then conduct a physical exam and if necessary, schedule on-site x-rays. Once combining what you have told him about your discomfort, the results of his physical exam and any x-rays, he will advise a treatment program for your particular issues.

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Patient Testimonials

Dr. Laurent is awesome! Good vibes.

David Grey Avatar David Grey
August 8, 2022

Dr. Osenga has been adjusting my back since 2019 and has helped me manage my back pain immensely. I have severe scoliosis and I am constantly in pain. My adjustments help me function to be able to have some quality of life without surgery. I always leave feeling better than when I came in. I thank God for Dr. Osenga and so does my back! Anyone with pain would be greatly served by Dr. Osenga. He is the BEST!!!

Toysonya Preasha Avatar Toysonya Preasha
June 28, 2024

Insurances We Accept

  • Anthem Bluecross Blueshield health insurance logo
    Anthem health insurance logo
    Aetna health insurance logo
  • Cigna health insurance logo
    Three Rivers Provider Network logo - health insurance
    Lutheran Preferred logo - health insurance
  • Signature Healthcare logo - medical insurance
    United Healthcare logo - health insurance
    PHP Agency logo - medical insurance
  • Medicare.gov text logo
    Medicaid.gov health insurance
    Ambetter health insurance logo
  • Managed Health Services logo
    Care Source health insurance logo
    MD Wise health insurance
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4332 Flagstaff Cove, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
608 Union Chapel Rd, Suite A, Fort Wayne, IN 46845

Mondayย  ย  ย  ย  8:30am โ€“ 6:00pm
Tuesdayย  ย  ย  ย  9:00am โ€“ 4:30pm
Wednesdayย  8:30am โ€“ 6:00pm
Thursdayย  ย  ย  8:30am โ€“ 6:00pm
Fridayย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 9:00am โ€“ 4:00pm
Saturdayย  ย  ย  8:30am โ€“ 12:30pm
Sundayย  ย  ย  ย  ย Closed

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