Benefits of Combining Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy

Chiropractic care and massage therapy have become increasingly popular as people seek holistic and noninvasive treatment options. When used together, they offer advantages beyond alleviating pain and managing stress. Discover how these two therapies complement each other to improve outcomes for various diseases and the benefits of combining them.


How Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy Work Together

woman receiving Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy

Chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy have similar goals: relieving pain, improving mobility, and enhancing wellness. 

Chiropractors primarily manipulate and mobilize the spine and other joints in the body to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal disorders. On the other hand, massage therapy manipulates soft tissues, such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles, to ease tense muscles and encourage relaxation. 

When combined, chiropractic care becomes more effective as massage therapy helps prepare the body for adjustments.


Benefits of Combining Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy


Improved Pain Management for Musculoskeletal Conditions

man receiving Improved Pain Management chiropractic care for Musculoskeletal Conditions

Chiropractic care focuses on aligning the spine to relieve pressure on nerves and reduce inflammation, directly addressing the root causes of pain. It not only targets pain relief but also enhances the body's ability to heal itself naturally over time.

Massage therapy complements this by reducing muscle tension and improving circulation, further aiding pain relief.

Enhanced Mobility and Flexibility

Chiropractic care promotes enhanced mobility and flexibility by restoring joint function and range of motion. By correcting misalignments in the spine, chiropractors can improve the body's biomechanics, allowing for smoother movement and reduced stiffness. This enables individuals to perform daily activities more comfortably and efficiently.

Massage therapy supports this by releasing tight muscles, facilitating easier movement, and reducing the risk of injury.

Reduction of Stress and Tension

Chiropractic care contributes to stress reduction by promoting better nervous system function. Misalignments in the spine can cause nerve interference, leading to reduced resilience to stressors. By restoring proper alignment, chiropractic adjustments help the body manage stress more effectively.

Massage therapy complements this by promoting relaxation and reducing muscular tension, which directly lowers stress hormones such as cortisol and promotes a sense of calm.

Promotion of Overall Well-Being and Body Balance

close up photo of massage therapy for Promotion of Overall Well-Being and Body Balance

Chiropractic and massage therapy work synergistically to promote overall well-being and body balance. By ensuring proper nervous system communication, chiropractic care enhances the body's ability to self-regulate and heal. Massage therapy supports this by improving circulation, reducing muscle tension, and promoting relaxation, which are essential components of maintaining a balanced and healthy body. 

Together, these therapies not only address specific health concerns but also contribute to overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being, fostering a state of balance and harmony within the body. 


Tips for Maximizing the Benefits

While the benefits of chiropractic care and massage therapy are proven, maximizing them requires proactive participation on your part.

Here are a few tips.



Combining chiropractic care and massage therapy effectively manages pain, improves mobility, reduces stress, and promotes overall health. Maximize these benefits by seeking skilled professionals who understand the synergy between these therapies.

Experience expert care here at North East Chiropractic Center. Under the guidance of Dr. Adam Osenga, we offer personalized treatments that seamlessly integrate chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic massage. Our state-of-the-art facilities ensure you receive comprehensive care in a comfortable environment.

Book a consultation today to discover how our holistic approach can enhance your health and well-being.

Acute vs Chronic Back Pain: Differences, Causes and Treatment

Did you know that nearly two in five adults reported having back pain in 2019? Full-time workers miss two work days per year due to this condition.

There are two types of back pain: acute and chronic. In this post, we’ll explore acute vs. chronic back pain. Learn their unique causes, symptoms, and treatment options to be better equipped to address your back pain effectively.


What Is Acute Back Pain?

Acute back pain persists anywhere from a few days to many weeks. Normally, it goes away with self-treatment and results in no permanent function loss.


back view of a female patient experiencing acute back pain | acute vs chronic back pain

Acute back pain is often caused by an injury, such as a sprain, strain, or fracture from lifting heavy objects, sudden movements, or accidents.



Acute back pain is characterized by a sudden onset of sharp, intense pain that can significantly limit mobility. This type of pain may make it difficult to perform everyday activities, and it often worsens with movement.



A healthcare professional can diagnose acute back pain by asking if you injured yourself. They may also order imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, bone scans, and EMGs to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain and guide treatment.


Treatment Options for Acute Back Pain

Ice Therapy

Ice therapy is most effective immediately after an injury to reduce inflammation and numb sharp pain. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the affected area for 20 minutes with 1-hour intervals during the first 48 hours.

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy increases blood flow and relaxes muscles. After the initial 48 hours post-injury, alternate between ice and heat therapy. Apply a heating pad or warm compress to the painful area for 20 minutes at a time.

OTC Pain Medication

NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (e.g., Advil®) and acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol®) work by reducing inflammation, thus providing relief from acute back pain.


Rest is crucial for recovery from acute back pain as it allows the injured tissues to heal. However, it's important to balance rest with gentle, low-impact movements to prevent muscle weakness and maintain flexibility.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care helps treat acute back pain by realigning the spine, reducing nerve pressure, and improving overall function. The benefits of this noninvasive treatment include pain relief, enhanced mobility, and faster recovery.



What Is Chronic Back Pain?

Chronic back pain lasts for 12 weeks or longer. Often, it is linked to underlying conditions. Injuries can also result in chronic back pain long after they’ve healed.


man experiencing chronic back pains | acute vs chronic back pain

Below are the most common causes of chronic back pain.


Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage between vertebrae to wear down, leading to pain and stiffness in the spine. This degenerative joint disease often results in chronic back pain due to inflammation and reduced mobility.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows, compressing nerves and causing chronic pain, numbness, and weakness. This condition typically affects the lower back and can significantly impact daily activities.

Disk Issues

Disk issues, such as herniation, bulging, or degeneration, involve the deterioration or displacement of intervertebral disks. These problems can lead to nerve compression, persistent pain, and reduced spinal function.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome is characterized by chronic pain due to trigger points in muscles. These sensitive areas can cause pain and discomfort in the back, often linked to stress.

Work and Lifestyle Factors

Work and lifestyle factors, such as poor posture, prolonged sitting, repetitive movements, and heavy lifting, can contribute to chronic back pain. These habits strain the spine and surrounding muscles, leading to long-term discomfort.



Chronic back pain is often described as a persistent, deep, or burning sensation. Comparing acute vs. chronic back pain, the latter can vary in intensity and is always present, even if it fluctuates throughout the day. This constant discomfort can significantly limit mobility.

Over time, the ongoing struggle with pain can lead to emotional and behavioral changes. Individuals may experience increased irritability, anxiety, or depression as they cope with the frustration and helplessness that often accompany chronic pain. This emotional toll can further impact relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life.



Like acute back pain, chronic back pain is diagnosed through medical interviews and imaging tests.


Treatment Options for Chronic Back Pain

Prescription Pain Medication

While OTC pain medications are suitable for mild to moderate pain, prescription drugs are used for more severe cases. However, they come with risks such as dependency and cognitive dysfunction. It's crucial to take these medicines as prescribed to manage pain effectively while minimizing risks.

Chiropractic Care

man receiving regular chiropractic adjustments for chronic back pain focus on long-term spinal health and functionality | acute vs chronic back pain

Regular chiropractic adjustments for chronic back pain focus on long-term spinal health and functionality. The benefits extend beyond immediate pain relief; they promote sustained mobility, enhance quality of life, and prevent future spinal issues through continuous maintenance and proactive care.

Corrective Exercises

Corrective exercises strengthen weak muscles, improve flexibility, and correct posture. These exercises help alleviate pain by restoring balance and proper movement patterns.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy helps treat chronic back pain by loosening tight muscles, improving blood circulation, and reducing inflammation. This therapy can lead to significant pain relief, enhanced relaxation, and improved range of motion, making it easier to perform daily activities without discomfort.

Lifestyle Changes

Adopting certain lifestyle changes can play a crucial role in managing chronic back pain.

Surgical Options

Surgery might be necessary for chronic back pain when conservative treatments fail to provide relief or if there's a structural issue causing severe symptoms. It aims to correct these underlying problems, offering a chance for long-term pain relief and improved function.



Differentiating acute vs. chronic back pain is significant as it guides appropriate treatment strategies and management plans. It allows you to receive tailored interventions that not only manage pain effectively but also enhance your overall quality of life and reduce its impact on your well-being.

The team at North East Chiropractic Center, led by Dr. Adam Osenga, specializes in personalized treatments for acute and chronic back pain. We offer state-of-the-art facilities and comprehensive care that focuses on nonsurgical approaches, such as chiropractic care and massage therapy, to alleviate pain and improve spinal health.

Ready to find relief from back pain? Book a consultation today and start your journey towards a pain-free life.

Massage Therapy Techniques for Chiropractic Patients

Musculoskeletal disorders affect 126.6 million Americans, leading to pervasive pain and restrictions in daily life. Given their widespread impact, it’s no wonder that massage therapy has become a vital option in managing these conditions, offering relief from muscle tension, stiffness, and pain. When paired with chiropractic care, massage therapy techniques for chiropractic patients can significantly improve treatment outcomes.

Read on to discover how massage therapy provides a healing touch to chiropractic patients.


Benefits of Massage Therapy for Chiropractic Patients


Relaxation and Stress Reduction

massage therapy techniques for chiropractic patients performed on a woman's back for relaxation and destress

Massage therapy significantly aids in relaxation and stress reduction for chiropractic patients. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, lowering cortisol levels—the body's primary stress hormone—and promoting a sense of calm and well-being. This relaxation not only enhances mental health but also prepares the body for chiropractic adjustments.


Improved Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage 

Massage therapy improves circulation and lymphatic drainage, which are crucial for overall health and recovery. Enhanced blood flow makes delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues more efficient, accelerating healing. Improved lymphatic drainage helps remove toxins and reduce inflammation, complement chiropractic treatments, and promote faster recovery.


Reduction of Muscle Tension and Pain 

Regular massage therapy helps reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain. As it targets specific muscle groups, massage releases tightness and knots, improving muscle function and reducing discomfort. This reduction in muscle tension enhances the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments and contributes to long-term pain relief.


Enhanced Range of Motion and Flexibility

A common goal for chiropractic patients is to enhance their range of motion and flexibility. Massage increases joint mobility and muscle elasticity by loosening tight muscles and connective tissues. This improvement in flexibility allows for more effective chiropractic treatments and helps prevent future injuries.

Here is a testimonial from one of our patients.

“I came in with very extreme shoulder and neck pain and stiffness. I had not tried any treatment before receiving chiropractic care at NorthEast Chiropractic Center. My pain has gone from a 10+ down to 1 or 2. It feels almost 100% better. Dr. Osenga suggested that I receive massage therapy and adjustments. The combination of those two was very effective for my case. The care team was very helpful and friendly at NorthEast Chiropractic Center.” —Amanda A.


Common Massage Techniques for Chiropractic Patients

Swedish Massage

swedish massage starting from the client's neck, a massage therapy techniques for chiropractic patients

Swedish massage is a gentle, full-body technique that utilizes long, flowing strokes; kneading; and circular movements to promote relaxation and increase blood flow. This technique helps reduce muscle tension and stress, making chiropractic adjustments more effective and less uncomfortable.


Deep Tissue Massage 

Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue through slow, firm strokes and deep finger pressure. This technique is especially beneficial for chronic pain and muscle injuries. Deep tissue massage supports chiropractic treatments by breaking down adhesions and improving tissue health. It enhances the effectiveness of adjustments by making the deeper muscle layers relaxed and pliable.


Myofascial Release 

The fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, organs, and other structures in the body. When the fascia becomes tight or restricted, it can create trigger points, leading to pain and reduced mobility. 

Myofascial release focuses on identifying and releasing trigger points. By applying sustained pressure to these points, this therapy alleviates localized pain and reduces muscle tension, allowing for more effective chiropractic adjustments. It also helps to restore normal muscle function and improve overall movement patterns.


Integrating Massage Therapy with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors and massage therapists work together to design comprehensive treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs. Their collaboration also ensures that the treatment plan is adjusted as needed, providing a holistic approach that promotes faster recovery, pain relief, and overall well-being.

Treatment begins with a thorough assessment by both practitioners to understand the patient's condition, medical history, and treatment goals. Chiropractors focus on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, particularly spinal misalignments, while massage therapists address soft tissue concerns.

Sharing insights and observations is crucial in creating a treatment plan that maximizes the benefits of both treatments. For instance, a patient may receive a massage to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow before a chiropractic adjustment, making the adjustment easier and more effective. Alternatively, a chiropractic session might reveal areas of muscle tension that the massage therapist can target in subsequent treatments.



Incorporating massage therapy techniques for chiropractic patients provides various benefits to patients, including pain relief, increased mobility, and improved general well-being. 

If you're looking for relief from musculoskeletal problems, try massage therapy at North East Chiropractic Center. Our experienced chiropractors, led by Dr. Adam Osenga, provide holistic treatments combining chiropractic care and massage therapy.

Book a consultation today!

Chiropractic Care and Spinal Decompression for Sports Injury Recovery

Millions of sports injuries occur in the United States every year. Although most are treatable with rest and at-home care, athletes and sports hobbyists may face a long road back to full strength.

Chiropractic care and spinal decompression for sports injuries offer promising avenues for recovery. These noninvasive treatments have gained recognition for their effectiveness in addressing various musculoskeletal issues, making them popular choices among patients seeking natural and holistic healing.

In this blog, we'll explore the individual benefits of chiropractic care and spinal decompression, as well as the synergistic effects they can offer when combined. Keep reading to discover how these therapies can help you get back in the game faster and stronger than ever before.


Common Types of Sports Injuries

Sports injuries occur to active individuals performing a recreational or competitive sport or exercise. Most sports injuries fall into one or more of the following types:

These injuries can lead to pain, reduced mobility, and weakened strength, hindering an individual's ability to participate in their chosen activities. Additionally, the psychological effects of having to sit out, no matter how temporary, can be equally challenging, often leading to frustration and decreased motivation. 

Comprehensive rehabilitation strategies are crucial to address sports injuries effectively. Such strategies not only heal the injury but also restore full function and prevent future occurrences. 


Chiropractic Care for Sports Injury Recovery

a patient performing for chiropractic care and spinal decompression for sports injury

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to sports injury rehabilitation. Chiropractors focus on the alignment of the spine. They understand its interconnectedness with the body: when the nervous system operates without interference, so does the whole body. This principle helps identify and treat the root cause of pain and dysfunction, not just the symptoms.

Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to treat sports injuries. 

The primary benefit of chiropractic adjustments in sports injury recovery is pain reduction. Chiropractic care can relieve pressure on the nerves and reduce inflammation, leading to decreased pain levels. Additionally, chiropractic care improves the range of motion, which is often compromised after an injury. Finally, chiropractic adjustments enhance overall function by promoting better posture, balance, and coordination, preventing future injuries.


Spinal Decompression Therapy for Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Spinal decompression therapy is a noninvasive treatment designed to relieve pressure on the spine and promote healing in the surrounding tissues. 

It works by gently stretching the spine, which creates negative pressure within the spinal disks and allows bulging or herniated material to retract. As a result, it reduces pressure on the nerves and other structures in the spine, alleviating pain and improving spinal health. The therapy involves using a specialized traction table, where patients are securely positioned and the machine controls the amount of decompression applied.

One of the benefits of spinal decompression in sports injury recovery is the reduction of inflammation. As it relieves pressure on the spinal disks and nerves, swelling and inflammation decrease. Additionally, the gentle stretching and relaxation of the spine improve circulation to the injured tissues, accelerating the healing process.

Several sports injuries can benefit from spinal decompression therapy.


Combining Chiropractic Care and Spinal Decompression

Combining chiropractic care and spinal decompression therapy for sports injuries provides a comprehensive approach, as each addresses different aspects of musculoskeletal health.

Chiropractic adjustments restore structural alignment and function, while spinal decompression alleviates disk-related issues and enhances the healing environment. This synergistic combination maximizes the benefits of each treatment, promoting faster and more effective recovery for athletes.

Chiropractors' personalized approach to treating athletes is a key factor in the effectiveness of combining chiropractic care and spinal decompression for sports injuries. Each athlete's body and injury are unique, requiring tailored treatment plans to address their specific needs. 

Chiropractors conduct thorough assessments, including medical history reviews, physical examinations, and imaging tests, to understand the root cause of the injury. Based on this evaluation, they develop customized treatment plans that combine spinal adjustments, joint mobilization, soft tissue therapy, and spinal decompression. This individualized approach addresses every aspect of the athlete's condition, optimizing the recovery process and helping prevent future injuries.


Benefits of Combined Therapy for Athletes

chiropractic care and spinal decompression for sports injury

The benefits of chiropractic care and spinal decompression for sports injury recovery are plenty.

Faster Pain Relief and Healing

Chiropractic adjustments improve joint dysfunction and muscular strain, while spinal decompression therapy relieves pressure on spinal discs and nerves, allowing damaged tissues to heal faster and relieve pain.

Improved Range of Motion and Flexibility

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring spinal alignment and joint mobility, while spinal decompression therapy increases the space between vertebrae, allowing a greater range of motion and flexibility. 

Enhanced Performance and Reduced Risk of Reinjury

Addressing underlying biomechanical issues and promoting optimal spinal health, combination therapy empowers athletes to achieve peak performance, minimize reinjury risks, enhance neuromuscular coordination, and be more resilient.



Sports are good for the body, but sometimes, they result in injury. Fortunately, chiropractic care and spinal decompression for sports injuries are available and changing how athletes and sports enthusiasts approach recovery.

If you seek nonsurgical sports injury treatment in Fort Wayne and New Haven, choose North East Chiropractic Center. Our experienced chiropractors, led by Dr. Adam Osenga, are skilled in chiropractic care and spinal decompression. We offer personalized treatments in state-of-the-art facilities to provide effective care for patients.

Book a consultation today for more effective and longer-lasting sports injury recovery!